The Links Keep Coming

I cannot take credit for everything on this site. I have an avid following of people and companies who are happy to provide information about the most despised man in the damp proofing industry and which of course I am only too happy to check out and publish.

I hadn’t noticed but if you visit the new Damp Proofing Association website and click on the ‘Members’ link on the top menu bar and then scroll down to about the fourth line of text and click on the link ‘All membership applications Click Here’ and then see the address in your browsers address bar.

See what I mean?

The url of the web design company and Lifecote Europe. So it is official; Lifecote Europe Ltd is the force behind the new DPA. So the DPA is backed by a company that hasn’t been around long enough to file accounts. I don’t think the PCA will be too concerned at this point.

Anybody want to join? No…. I thought not.

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